I've had a Gmail account for YEARS now and I've finally got myself a blog. Pretty swanky, right? I think so and so do you. I guess you could call this my return to blogging if you even consider what the heck I write about blogging anyways.
From my viewpoint diaries or journals are gay. Not in the homosexual way but more so the Too-Sensitive way, if you catch my drift. Blogs, on the other hand, give the reader a bit of insight on the inane thoughts of the writer. Kind of like getting to know someone without the letdown. Its like speed dating without having to get cleaned, dressed and actually trying to appeal to someone.
That brings me to one of my favorite points about the internet; anonymity. You can be who ever you want to be online: a physics professor, a firefighter, an FBI agent, an effing donkey, or if you even dare, yourself. You feel free of the labeling and judging that goes on in real life and focus on your online persona, likely the embodiment of what you aren't. You can address any issues without being reprimanded, cross any lines without getting shot, YELL AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS without being heard. Its an amazing thing that few really cherish, as weird as that sounds. No one really knows who you are and everyone pretty much accepts you for your face value meaning you are what you post.
I have, in the past, embraced this advantage and talked about things that have gone on in my life namely my father's passing. The brief period of secret depression that followed were, to me, really harsh. I needed to confide in someone without being shunned or ridiculed. My window for expression lied in an automotive forum that I am actively on; Zilvia.net. The members really took it seriously and really gave great advice. They were all there giving words of encouragement and hope. Faceless entities helping 'one of their own.' It helped me through tough times and I'm sure helped others as well.
I guess what I'm saying is I'm here to help. Or try to as best I can. I may be a dick in real life but I guess online I'm one of those nice guys. I'll address issues that need to be addressed, point fingers where they need to be pointed, and I'll do it all with a smile on my face.
Until I come up with cool things to talk about though, I'll be posting random thoughts that pop into my head. Just cause I can.
And for those that think I'm lying about the whole depression thing, here's a link. I used to go by SochBAT but sadly, I changed my name to an ill-suited Soooshi. So much fail.
This image got me through tough times, mainly because the imagery.
Cute, isn't it?